For being a traditional troupes, The Reds totally disappoint not only their fans but also their opponents. Magpie will be more than happy to compete with a better team, and of cause joy is already all over their stripes. Atmosphere of the resting room now must be terrified to the max, with KD ass on the line.
Well, blame game does not work but a little bit of morale support at least last Liverpool to the end of the season and at most extend their hand to the F.A Cup.
After all we can't put the blame on Dalg or Luis, they did shine during the early course of this season. Main reason is that players were so poor creating chemistry among each other, as KD brought in Downing, Henderson, Adam and 35mil-Andy, it seems brighter yet this is still a conundrum even until the end of the season.
The legendary 7 tried everything by commisioning different line-ups, be it the luxurious combination or playing the young gun. It does not work, it never works. I would say discipline to be the learning curve now, put down your pride and play like Swansea (at least). A football club gets nothing when their fans stop worshipping them, at this case The Kops are already tearing down the wall of their temple.
Back to the game, I pity them for being so aggressive in the first 10 minutes but bringing 0 point to the fixture. Starting from 10:01, it was a game of messy and ugly.
Tackles and challenges were all over the pitch, Newcastle ruled air possession while the tallest person on the field was against them, a 19th minute header that hit the net and broke their heart, poor defending line and a headbutt that leaved Liverpool's gate insecure for the following 3 games. April fool epic ends with Jose wearing the keeper's glove.
Let's steer away from blaming each other but pick up as much point as we can on the remaining games. It doesn't require a ticket to the European to establish a football club, is the manager, coaches, players and fans behind that constitute to that. If we are still hunger for victory, snatch that ticket through F.A cup. just stand up and keep going. You know you will never walk alone!
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